The Municipality’s existence as the RM of Dufferin (North and South) began in 1880 when it was created by the Province of Manitoba. Previously it was the County of Dufferin.
The official population of the Municipality is 2,543. This comes from the 2021 Canada census. Population numbers are important to municipalities as some major grants from higher levels of government are based on population.
The assessment roll is a compilation of all the properties in the municipality, with a value shown for each property. For 2022, the combined market value assessment of all properties in the Municipality exceeds $1,180,142,900.
As mentioned elsewhere in this handbook, municipalities are major operations, and this Municipality is no exception. For 2021, the operating budget exceeds $6,718,763 (add general and utility together if applicable).
Back in 2009 the financial reporting requirements for municipalities was completely revamped. That audited financial statement was the first statement to show what the accounting industry considers to be a true reflection of assets. The list of assets includes land, buildings and equipment, which most people would expect. Municipalities have also been required to include other infrastructure such as roads, sewer lines and sidewalks, to name a few. The capital assets of the Municipality are currently valued at over $31,874,747 (this number can be found in Schedule 1 of the Consolidated Financial Statements).
Finally, the Municipality could not operate without dedicated employees to carry out the direction outlined by Council. At present the Municipality has 10 full time employees. As well there are part time employees, with the number varying by season.
Council consists of 7 members with 6 wards (based on after the election if the size of council and number of wards are changing).