Apply for Permits

Make a request for your Building Permit today. Building Permit requests can take up to 2-3 weeks before you can be issued the permit.

NEW: Survey/Building Location Certificate are required for new structures on a property

If you are applying for a permit on behalf of the owner,  please have them fill out the Owner Authorization Form below for their authorization.

Checklist for the required information when applying for a Permit

PLEASE NOTE: Survey's are required for any new structure on property, with a possible exception for Agricultural land/properties.

Materials & Labour included
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File upload is limited to 20 MB pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, odt, ods, odp, txt, jpg, png.

Building Plans, Site Plan/Survey, Land Owner Authorization Forms (if required) and other pertinent files.

Note: If at any time, you have issues uploading documents, please email the pertinent files to Email


* - denotes required field